Certified Sourcetuning Coaches

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Here you can find all trained SourceTuning coaches in the area of acting (red dot top right), as well as in the area of personal development (turquoise dot top right).

Sourcetuning coach Jens Roth
Jens RothBerlinZ: 2000

Jens Roth is the inventor of SourceTuning. As an artist he sees himself on a constant journey of discovery with the gift of looking with wonder and curiosity at people and their deep longings and motivations. As a coach, director and actor he wants to open spaces for new insights into contexts that provide the ground for solidarity, empathy, communication and high acting quality.

Sourcetuning coach Jannika Petermann
Jannika PetermannBerlinZ: 2019

Jannika Petermann finished her master's degree in psychology in 2019. Alongside her studies, she worked in the field of theater education. When she got to know the technique SourceTuning, it was immediately clear to her that she had discovered a valuable interface between her two passions, psychology and theater.

In 2019, she therefore completed her training as a certified Source Tuning Coach and researched the positive effects of the technique on our psyche in her master's thesis.

Sourcetuning coach Thomas Bartholomäus
Thomas BartholomäusBerlinZ: 2015

I support and encourage actors to make truly fun offers. In order to go with it joyfully and self-responsibly into the creative collaboration with ensemble and direction.

Sourcetuning coach Samira Julia Calder
Samira Julia CalderBerlinZ: 2020

Samira is an actress with South African roots. During her training at the Schule für Schauspiel Hamburg, she met Jens Roth, with whom she has had an intensive collaboration ever since. In addition to engagements from the State Theater to independent productions, she implemented her own projects and productions and worked as artistic director, assistant to the artistic director, choreographer and assistant director.

Sourcetuning coach Gabriel Marrer
Gabriel MarrerBerlinZ: 2020

Gabriel Marrer loves to help actors to create a character on their own responsibility, out of a sensual richness, so that actors can be self-confident and actively involved as artists in the next steps on set. Source Tuning is the best way for Gabriel to achieve this.

Sourcetuning coach Leila Müller
Leila MüllerWienZ: 2019

The Viennese with Upper Austrian roots is an actress & director who works throughout the German-speaking world. Among others, she was employed as a house director at the Landestheater Coburg in 2013-2016. In 2019 she completed her coach training/certification as a SourceTuning Acting Coach and has also completed the SourceTuning Coach Personal Coaching training in early 2023.

Sourcetuning coach Elisabeth Jessen
Elisabeth JessenBerlinZ: 2023

In 2018, I rekindled my great passion for acting. In the process, I also discovered the SourceTuning® acting technique for acting and personal development.

In 2023, I was certified as a SourceTuning® coach with a focus on personal development.

Sourcetuning coach Stefanie Masnik
Stefanie MasnikBerlinZ: 2023

Stefanie is a Berliner by choice with Wendish roots. She works as an actress, dubbing artist, dialog writer and dubbing director. In 2014 she came into contact with Source Tuning for the first time. In 2021 she completed the half-year program Trust and subsequently trained as a Source Tuning Coach.

Sourcetuning coach Ila Panke
Ila PankeBerlinZ: 2023

Ila has been a certified Source Tuning Coach in the field of personality development since February 2023. She also works as a production manager for radio plays and writes dubbing dialogues. She worked at various theaters in Germany as well as for a voice talent and an acting agency in Berlin.

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