EN Boost Your Character - Online
This workshop provides a basis for working with SourceTuning and is a prerequisite for participation in all other workshops and coaching sessions. Using a work role, you can try out how quickly and deeply you can dive into a character using this technique. Since Source Tuning does not have to be learned over many years to achieve exciting results, the potential of this technique becomes apparent the first time.
SourceTuning uses bodily intelligence as a reliable and precise source of inspiration and makes it possible, with little time and space, to physically feel a role biography and its effects instead of conceiving it with the head. Advantage: the body "thinks" in a complex but not complicated way.
The online version of the workshop was developed for the time during the Corona crisis. However, since the workshop consists essentially of individual work in addition to the joint introduction, the format can be implemented well online, as has since been demonstrated in many workshops. A quiet environment, with a working internet connection, in which one can also be loud for a short time, is an advantage. A working chair without backrests should be available.
10.00 am CET - 7.00pm CET
Jens Roth
Jens Roth ist der Erfinder von SourceTuning. Als Künstler sieht er sich selbst auf einer ständigen Entdeckungsreise mit der Gabe staunend und neugierig auf Menschen und ihre tiefen Sehnsüchte und Motivationen zu schauen. Als Coach, Regisseur und Schauspieler möchte er Räume öffnen für neue Einsichten in Zusammenhänge, die den Boden bieten für Solidarität, Empathie, Kommunikation und hohe schauspielerische Qualität.